on 31 July, 2013

XAT - Registrations, Application Forms, Exam Dates, Schedule, Results, Elgibility - XLRI, XIMB | Management News & Notifications

XAT 2014 Notification and Registrations
July 31, 2014 | All India

Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) 2014 for admissions to various B-Schools for 2014-16 batch will be conducted on January 5, 2014. Interested candidates can register for the exam between August 12 and November 22, 2013.


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XAT is supposedly rated as the toughest MBA Entrance Tests in India; more than the Common Admission Test (CAT). The level of the questions especially verbal and logical reasoning are so high that scoring becomes pretty tough. XAT scores are accepted by over 110 B-Schools in India for their PGDM program.

Students who are looking to join the prestigious and terrific Xavier School of Managemet - XLRI Jamshedpur - and XIMB Bhubhaneshwar have to appear for the XAT on January 5, 2014.


Candidate must have a recognised Bachelors degree or must complete his/her graduation by June 2014.

Registration Dates:

August 12, 2013 to November 22, 2013

Test Date:

January 5, 2014

Registration Process:

Students have to log on to XAT Website and fill up the application form.

Payment Options:

Registration fee for XAT is Rs. 950/- (Rs. 650/- for SC/ST candidates). Payment can be made in the following ways:

  1. Online payment via Credit/Debit card
  2. IDBI Net Banking
  3. Cash payment to the nearest IDBI Bank. The transaction number provided by the bank should be entered in the XAT registration form.
  4. Demand Draft (DD) in the favour of "XLRI Jamshedpur A/c XAT" payable at Jamshedpur and enter the DD details in the XAT registration form.

Candidates excessing options 3 and 4 have to take a print of the filled application form and send to XLRI along with the payment receipt.

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MBA / Management